We’ve completed a great 2013 and now look forward to an even better 2014.

The weekend of March 7 & 8 will see us visiting our sister dojo, Twin Lakes Kokondo, in their home of Mountain Home, Arkansas.  The occasion is our annual Midwest Seminar featuring the head of our system, Kaicho Greg Howard.  These seminars are always a great learning experience for all Kokondoka, whether they are the newest white belts or the most experienced members of the Yudanshakai.  If you’re a member, or want to be a member, seminars such as these are an integral part of your education in the system and should always be attended whenever possible.


On the subject of seminars, our National Seminar will again be held in West Hartford, Connecticut.  The Nationals are the largest gathering of Jukidoka and Kokondo Karate practitioners to assemble each year.  This weekend is packed with both large group exercises and smaller bunches of people gathered for more focused training.  It is also where all senior ranks – those above first degree black belt – are awarded.  Again, these should be attended whenever possible.

In addition to these events, members of St. Louis Kokondo will be visiting other dojos at their regional seminars and workouts whenever time and life permits.

And as always, we will be working hard on our class nights (and SHOULD be doing so on non-class nights) as well.

We’d love for anyone reading these words to stop by and try out a couple of free classes.